夏枯草图片 高清

9.0 推荐

分类: 伦理片 英国 2013

导演: 李旭丹   


  Michael Hanake meets the Blair Witch Project in Kim Gok's Exhausted, a vicious kick in the pants to everyone in the audience, all in the name of "style." A man meets a mute woman, and as any reasonable person would do in such a situation, makes her his prostitute. But the pimping is the least of our problems. As we get exhausted by the grainy faux-16mm camerawork, the film gets increasingly deranged. The closest thing we get to a sympathetic character is the pimp, simply because he's got too much self-respect to fuck a mute whore. Everyone else is either a gory mess, or a gory mess in disguise. Even the prostitute, which even a thug like Lars von Trier would make likeable, comes off as a delirious scary woman whose shrieks strike like blows to the jugular.
  Kim Gok has seemingly abandoned the Marxist critiques of his short films, going instead for mindless brutality which culminates in an endless bloody freak-show involving, among other things, a pair of scissors going where pairs of scissors should not go. In the middle of the bloodbath, we get an extended long take of the beaten prostitute's near-dead face, but it does not elicit sympathy or pity. In fact, images of the victim only make us shy away in shock. (Indeed, the extended sequence led to continuous walk-outs during the Pusan screening.) The long take invites us to stare, but it assumes we're as sadistic as the victimizer (and the film) is. Meanwhile the sound-effects (mostly a rumbling bassline that shakes the theater) pulsates with pure wickedness. With Hanake, shock creates reflection, which asks that we be critical. Here, we only want to escape. I suppose Exhausted has some virtues; the shots of drilling machines and factories provide a mesmerizing phallic backdrop to the pimp and prostitute's pursuits. But everything else hurts too much. At least Kim Ki-duk lets us breathe. Exhausted makes Bad Guy look like Lady and the Tramp. (asiaarts.ucla.edu)


  • 芒梦竹 6小时前 :


  • 衡飞鸿 3小时前 :


  • 李雁蓉 0小时前 :


  • 春依 1小时前 :


  • 武浩波 9小时前 :


  • 殷雅柔 4小时前 :


  • 薛丽玉 5小时前 :

    前段時間看綜藝的時候遇到了kenty作為嘉賓 看到了讓我身對他印象不同的一面 在這部電影中他飾演的笨笨的直直的角色 與他本人性格完全相反 卻沒有感覺突兀 他哭戲的爆發感也讓我震驚。

  • 邓兴贤 0小时前 :


  • 闫傲雪 7小时前 :

    其实奶奶很酷啊 和酒鬼也没有太大关系 我好像变成这样的大人

  • 说凌青 9小时前 :


  • 澄忆枫 8小时前 :


  • 赫连璞瑜 3小时前 :


  • 栋骏 0小时前 :

    多一星给画面和调度 节奏略微慢了点 看的时候总是忍不住关注男主那么长的睫毛...

  • 桂靖儿 7小时前 :


  • 驰骞 0小时前 :

    让我想起我的外婆 她活着的时候可能是我妈妈在这个世界上最后一个真正在乎的人了

  • 甘英媛 1小时前 :


  • 梁驰 9小时前 :

    陪我看日出,新西兰绝美,举重若轻,选歌好听,既然不能选择怎么生,便要选择怎么死,这是生而为人最后的尊严,我也想死在新西兰,兰普林老来俏,人生苦短,绝不稀释,most people like sunsets, I love the sunrise,

  • 羊舌惜寒 3小时前 :


  • 林枫 3小时前 :


  • 贺依霜 7小时前 :

    智慧毒舌老奶奶再生命最後一段拯救了有自殺傾向的孫子,有點治癒有點致鬱。劇情其實挺簡單老土的,但是整個氛圍虐虐的又帶點溫馨。英國人在新西蘭,帶了點陽光的味道。PS:老奶奶真的好美,once and forever。


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