中国式家长黄冈密卷 高清

9.0 推荐

分类: 记录片 中国 2001

导演: 付辛博   


  Just over 40 years ago, marriage in China was arranged by the state. Romantic love was seen as a capitalist concept and was not allowed during this period. Wedding photography (if any at all) consisted of one black and white passport photo of the couple (dressed in Mao- style outfits) as proof of the marriage. Now, China has fallen in love with love and its exploding wedding industry is worth 80 billion dollars, and it is on an upward curve. Pre-wedding photography is one of the most significant and curious parts of the industry. Every couple marrying in China will take part in a pre-wedding shoot. It involves several costume and backdrop changes where you can become a character in any fantasy you choose. For the most exotic lo- cations couples pay up to $250,000 AUD. Pre-wedding photo shoots have become an important national ritual. They are proof of the marriage but now also of love, romance, freedom, status, money and the new China Dream. As an expat living in Shanghai with a long history of coming to China, Sinophile photographer Olivia Mar- tin-McGuire was captivated by the construction of dreams through this booming photographic world. Once she started to delve deeper into this new traditional she found a unique window into China. One that revealed a country dreaming, a country rapidly booming and a country reconstructing its recent past trauma all through their own lens. China Love takes us on a wild journey into the warmth of the family web in China into the hearts of our characters and into their personal dreams with an understanding of why and where these aspirations come from. The project explores China's new position as a globalised country from its restrictive and highly traditional past - through the window of its booming wedding industry and asks what is the new China Dream when it comes to love.


  • 喻千秋 1小时前 :

    Okay? There isno"we."There'sonly you.

  • 丽漫 0小时前 :

    tag: 美国 电影 动作 AntonioBanderas 喜欢的人死了

  • 凌奇邃 2小时前 :

    fuck this nig-ger and sand-nig-ger 你要当游戏全流程通关CG真人版倒是可以打6/10。另外真庆幸疫情期间上的片都不值得在影院看。22/04/23

  • 卫家丁 3小时前 :


  • 仵顺慈 8小时前 :


  • 子车鹏池 8小时前 :


  • 加星 5小时前 :


  • 卜斯雅 8小时前 :


  • 庾天晴 4小时前 :


  • 妮雯 4小时前 :


  • 崇初兰 9小时前 :

    Holland合格了,Wahlberg just being Wahlberg。但,我还是宁愿去重看一遍cage的National Treasure,真的要好很多~编剧和导演都.....十年前的老梗太多.....想用游戏分来赢得票房可能不容易。

  • 徭夜绿 5小时前 :


  • 家薇 3小时前 :

    平心而论,真的不算难看的游戏改编。荷兰弟的Drake也比较忠实角色,还有Nolan North和顽皮狗的致敬,不知道游戏粉还有啥不满意的。

  • 初馨荣 3小时前 :


  • 向文丽 6小时前 :


  • 左丘锐智 1小时前 :


  • 典桐华 0小时前 :


  • 夏白秋 8小时前 :


  • 妍旭 7小时前 :

    够炫目也挺精彩,这片子适合迪士尼去制作啊。其实只要有创意,这世界不缺乏好故事!俏皮、诙谐、爆米花。只是动作程度在刺激一些更好! PS:额外收获,安东尼奥·班德拉斯一枚!哈哈

  • 坤运 8小时前 :

    这片子最大的卖点是Tom Holland湿身和卖肉吗?两个男主毫无火花,闯关解谜也太过简单(玩游戏也不至于简单到这种程度吧),几段打戏比如吊灯,飞机,船上有点早期成龙电影的意思。其实一开始全员恶人的设定倒有点意思,后面翻转了就比较无聊了。Btw,我觉得荷兰弟很不Nate诶,印象中Nate应该是个大块头(也不知道为什么会产生这样的印象)希望他以后能出演摆脱蜘蛛侠或者本身固有的形象的角色吧,不然随时以为他下一秒要喷蛛丝了。#2022院线14,评分:6.5/10。


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