金光票务 高清

9.0 推荐

分类: 剧情片 英国 2003

导演: 梁凯蒂   


  Min Ji-suk runs a "ticket bar"where customers can purchase tickets for certain "services"in the town of Sokcho in Gangwon-do. She hires Miss Yang (Ahn So-young), Miss Hong (Lee Hye-young), and Se-young (Jeon Se-young) through the employment agency. Miss Yang and Miss Hong, who are well experienced in this type of business, are used to accepting propositions from customers. But Se-young, who is dating a college student named Min-su, rejects all requests for sexual favors. When Min-su professes to having problems with his tuition and finances, Se-young reassures him that she will procure the necessary funds for him. When the bar's clientele begins to dwindle because of Se-young, Ji-suk reprimands her severely. Se-young develops a close relationship with a Captain Pak and even allows him to sleep with her. She asks Captain Pak to find Min-su employment on a boat, but when Min-su comes to Sokcho for his new job, he sees how Se-young has been making her living. Shocked, he turns his back on the job and leaves. When he eventually returns to Sokcho, he scathingly denounces Se-young's morality and severs their relationship. Decades ago, Ji-suk had stumbled into the bar business in a desperate effort to support her husband, who was serving time in prison; she later left him voluntarily out of shame and moral degradation. Concerned that Se-young will end up with the same fate, Ji-suk asks Min-su to meet with her. She begs him not to abandon Se-young, but he flatly refuses. Ji-suk reacts by pushing Min-su into the sea, and suffers a mental breakdown that lands her in a psychiatric institution.


  • 典开济 2小时前 :

    很少看到一个电影中,人体器官像玩具一样摆来摆去,而这一切就发生在人类失去痛觉同时也失去意义与希望的未来。人类的进化似乎走向了一个迷惘的交叉点,有人抗拒变化,而更多的是拥抱与接受。有意思的是不知是器官的狂野生长推进了人类的演化,还是人类希望进化的信念促进了器官的生长。片子的设定怪异而新颖,特别是夜幕下报废的轮船象征着曾经的文明不复存在甚至出现了倒退,不过这一次拯救我们的不是英雄,而是我们从未意识到却始终联系最亲密的身体。美术和音乐非常NB,i don't like "Titane",but i love this one.

  • 帛语蝶 6小时前 :


  • 扬以轩 4小时前 :

    (啊 怎么越降越低了 拉一点点分

  • 乌雅曼寒 8小时前 :


  • 丽婧 0小时前 :


  • 寻和悦 4小时前 :

    #Cannes2022 我尊重每个人的醒脾,但柯南伯格我不理解你

  • 彩弦 9小时前 :


  • 原鹏翼 4小时前 :


  • 戏斯乔 1小时前 :


  • 和建同 8小时前 :

    柯南伯格又打开了一种迷人的高概念世界,而Saul Tenser最后的变异,让这个概念向前跨出重要一步的同时也升华了整部电影。在细微入里的快感体验中,人们的精神开始扭曲,开始走向悲剧,吃下塑料的Saul,果真是五味杂陈地坦然面对。小K的表演看得我有点懵,我只能强行解释成柯南伯格让她这样演,但还是觉得别扭。

  • 后瑜敏 8小时前 :


  • 娅岚 5小时前 :

    看不懂……不过body is the reality这句倒是让我想到具身认知

  • 怡依 7小时前 :

    有人看完像是尝了口toxic塑料 有人看完发掘新性癖 我竟然偏向后者 body is reality. surgery is the new sex.

  • 夏高扬 6小时前 :


  • 帆琛 8小时前 :

    解剖的画面就跟 你说今晚吃炒肝脏一样自然轻易,这也是这部电影的问题,解释太多,我不想知道肝脏是哪头畜生身上的,也不想知道它是怎么摆在我面前的,我只是一个餐桌前的食客,这么坐下来,然后吃。

  • 印浩宕 1小时前 :


  • 凯骞 1小时前 :


  • 婷雪 2小时前 :


  • 完幻梅 5小时前 :


  • 卫辉 5小时前 :



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