纪实 高清

9.0 推荐

分类: 记录片 美国 2004

导演: 李彩桦   


  A film on the come back of exorcism in the contemporary world. Our world. Each year a growing number of people call their sense of unease “possession.” In Italy, Europe, worldwide. The Church answers to this spiritual emergency nominating an increasing number of exorcist priests and organizing training courses. Father Cataldo is one of the most sought-after exorcists in Sicily and elsewhere; he is famous for his tireless fighting spirit. Every Tuesday Gloria, Enrico, Anna, and Giulia, along with many others, attend Father Cataldo’s mass for deliverance, trying to find a cure for a sense of discomfort that has no answer nor a name. Whether believers or not, how far are we prepared to go to get recognition for our own disease? What are we prepared to do to be delivered from it, here and now? This is the story of a meeting between the act of exorcism and everyday life, where the contrasts between the ancient and modern, the religious and profane, are at times disturbing and at others exhilarating. A film not about religion, but about how religion can be experienced.


  • 妍洲 6小时前 :


  • 华龙 0小时前 :

    洒了一地狗血然后你告诉我"to be continue"!??

  • 斋笑雯 4小时前 :

    就偶尔看看这种烂片当消遣也还行吧…但把电影当连续剧拍的 可真是头回见

  • 于俊郎 9小时前 :

    Posh pricks fighting Scottish scumbag.

  • 悟学林 6小时前 :

    Extreme British nationalism + complete disregard for human life in the service to justify some superficial fight for peace in the veil of maintaining power and the status quo. The franchise really went from a lighthearted savior-of-the-world film to a wild conspiracy. Cringing at the glorification of war.

  • 慈盼易 1小时前 :


  • 卫昱辰 7小时前 :


  • 弭忆南 7小时前 :

    全程快进看完 卧槽 为了颜值和狗血都看不下去了 这是暮光之城版的绯闻少女吗!!居然还拍第四部

  • 卫炯宽 9小时前 :

    整部片子,可以说就是那种“戏说=胡说”的典型。 从剧作层面来看,它的风格割裂的,节奏是混乱的。

  • 卫镫鸿 9小时前 :


  • 建诗珊 8小时前 :

    1小時26分前全靠顏值堅持,幼稚又无趣、肉也不慾😂 1小時26分後終於是拍了點正路的東西了 參考全片1小時35分!! 但凡前面不廢這麼久也不用等4再說了😂 這錯綜複雜的父母愛情真夠感人😂 男主這真夠內傷😂

  • 岚格 9小时前 :


  • 国轩 9小时前 :

    莫名奇妙的矛盾 立不住的人设 都说不上是校园版五十度灰 成年版至少演出了情欲…宛如智障的剧情 主角尴尬的演技 到底是什么支撑我看到3了啊。哦 原来是男女主的颜

  • 卫燕 8小时前 :


  • 寒冰 6小时前 :


  • 戚娅芳 9小时前 :


  • 侍晋鹏 7小时前 :

    ...........加油 让我看看第四部能有多烂

  • 凯家 8小时前 :

    主角保留 边角料配角换人 至于剧情 what the fuck 1744

  • 宰痴旋 7小时前 :

    ...........加油 让我看看第四部能有多烂

  • 慧欣 5小时前 :



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