夏枯草图片 高清

9.0 推荐

分类: 伦理片 印度 2017

导演: 李媛媛   


  Michael Hanake meets the Blair Witch Project in Kim Gok's Exhausted, a vicious kick in the pants to everyone in the audience, all in the name of "style." A man meets a mute woman, and as any reasonable person would do in such a situation, makes her his prostitute. But the pimping is the least of our problems. As we get exhausted by the grainy faux-16mm camerawork, the film gets increasingly deranged. The closest thing we get to a sympathetic character is the pimp, simply because he's got too much self-respect to fuck a mute whore. Everyone else is either a gory mess, or a gory mess in disguise. Even the prostitute, which even a thug like Lars von Trier would make likeable, comes off as a delirious scary woman whose shrieks strike like blows to the jugular.
  Kim Gok has seemingly abandoned the Marxist critiques of his short films, going instead for mindless brutality which culminates in an endless bloody freak-show involving, among other things, a pair of scissors going where pairs of scissors should not go. In the middle of the bloodbath, we get an extended long take of the beaten prostitute's near-dead face, but it does not elicit sympathy or pity. In fact, images of the victim only make us shy away in shock. (Indeed, the extended sequence led to continuous walk-outs during the Pusan screening.) The long take invites us to stare, but it assumes we're as sadistic as the victimizer (and the film) is. Meanwhile the sound-effects (mostly a rumbling bassline that shakes the theater) pulsates with pure wickedness. With Hanake, shock creates reflection, which asks that we be critical. Here, we only want to escape. I suppose Exhausted has some virtues; the shots of drilling machines and factories provide a mesmerizing phallic backdrop to the pimp and prostitute's pursuits. But everything else hurts too much. At least Kim Ki-duk lets us breathe. Exhausted makes Bad Guy look like Lady and the Tramp. (asiaarts.ucla.edu)


  • 承乐康 3小时前 :


  • 安颐然 7小时前 :

    低配版《谍影重重》,优秀标兵面临退役中年危机。生活重担房贷压在身上,曾经为国家付出自己,现在却再也不能实现自身的社会价值。被迫加入雇佣兵组织,执行一些国家不见得光的任务。结尾让我有点想不到,但是整个故事结构简单,推进缓慢,感觉更像是一个生活剧情片,而不是军事动作电影。里面穿插着家庭,军队的兄弟情义等裹含的元素,打戏相当相当的少。如果是冲着像《谍影重重》那样的打斗戏就基本可以告退了。你把它当成像一部网剧那样 一点一点来播放的话,那还是挺不错的。

  • 实紫雪 1小时前 :

    # Phase One

  • 宰父书双 6小时前 :

    本片是派派Chris Pine和本福斯特继《怒海救援》、《赴汤蹈火》后第三次合作。派派年纪大了也开始接自己的《John Wick》了,类似基努里维斯、连姆尼森的中年硬汉,希望能够通过动作片再次向好莱坞证明:我还没老,我还能打!剧情来说依然是美国退伍老兵被坑然后复仇的故事,但是节奏把握的非常到位,103分钟毫无拖泥带水,重现了谍影重重般的追杀、反侦察?真实肉搏,让我这个动作片爱好者大呼过瘾。最后赞一下亚马逊,这片子本来美国时间4月1号上线的,但是资源提前一天流出了,今天就能在家同步北美院线爽上流媒体4K真是太爽了哈哈哈。

  • 仲幼怡 4小时前 :


  • 开秀婉 1小时前 :


  • 彩帆 5小时前 :


  • 性江雪 1小时前 :


  • 戊叶吉 6小时前 :


  • 刀英耀 6小时前 :


  • 卫瑞化 8小时前 :


  • 婷楠 4小时前 :


  • 太史寒凝 0小时前 :


  • 念元魁 0小时前 :

    Not bad.

  • 买运锋 2小时前 :


  • 卫虹燕 7小时前 :


  • 冬漫 4小时前 :


  • 卫冰 2小时前 :


  • 卫奂丞 9小时前 :


  • 宗政冷菱 0小时前 :



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