宜兰 高清

9.0 推荐

分类: 喜剧片 印度 2012

导演: 周璇   


  6 out of 7 people found the following comment useful.
  A brilliant and outragously funny satire of society, 7 December 1999
  Author: Dave Joerg ([email protected])
  "Flodder" is one of the funniest movies ever made and few people realise that it is a Dutch movie made by none other than the Holland version of John Carpenter, the famous Dick Maas, author and director of the thriller "Amsterdamned". The Flodder family is the reincarnation of the term a-social. When the whole family bunch, basically all bastards, criminals and sluts must be relocated from their City slum because of toxic waste under their house, the city council house no choice. The only available space is in the "Zoendal" - the "Sun Valley" the best area in Amsterdam where all doctors, snobs and businessmen can afford to live their lives. And where the central point of interest and politics is the tennis club of the community. The Flodder family brings devastation to the tranquil world that ruled before. They are simply unbelievable. The characterisation is incredibly funny, beginning with Ma Flodder who searches other people's trash cans for food or making illegal liquor in her cellar and ending with the eldest daughter who is the biggest slut on earth. Together they make the most horrible family imaginable, a sort of immoral mirror image to the Brady Bunch or the Waltons. When the City counsel of Amsterdam hoped that the Flodders would show their good will to be more civilised in their new area, it turns out that Holland's most famous family would rather bring out the worst in the rich people of "Sun Valley"-wonderland. The rest is a hilarious, brilliant and well made social satire that can be watched as a provocative movie as well as a straightforward comedy. Dick Maas at his best. I salute him! Flooder was the Dutch smash hit in 1986 and brought two sequels and a tv series. All of the sequels were nice but not as great as the original.
  Flodders (1986) is available on DVD in Germany in a dubbed German version in Dolby Digital 5.1. under the name:
  "Flodders -Eine Familie zum knutschen"
  Why is First Floor Features, the producer of the movie not bringing the Dick Maas blockbusters out on DVD in the Netherlands, I wonder. The are not even available on video there. These movies have so much potential, still to this day and have a huge silent but true following.


  • 勤芳洲 6小时前 :

    妈妈!难道我叕要再撸一遍Friends ?!

  • 刀一雯 1小时前 :


  • 弓筠溪 5小时前 :


  • 友越彬 8小时前 :

    Mari的出现仿佛是为了防止Asuka和Rei两派粉丝打架所创造出来的工具人. 我以为TV版的大白已经够吓人了, 电影写实版的大白竟然还要吓人… 比上一部好, 不过我还是觉得没原剧好.

  • 宦昊明 3小时前 :

    Boyfriends and girlfriends are gonna come and go,but this is for life.

  • 公西雅辰 0小时前 :

    看剧的时候就觉得双R的感情线代入感很强,两人在剧里的肢体互动充满了化学反应,原来真的互相crush过。 “we know”

  • 振运 5小时前 :

    看时总想起高中全班看到R&R在一起发出的欢呼声 还有当时像Ross爱Rachel那样暗恋着的女孩子 虽然最后也只终于暗恋;

  • 回初柳 0小时前 :

    正如康熙来了是我的华语灵魂老家,老友记是我的英语灵魂老家、十几岁的美国梦,老家不必时髦或华丽,只要 be there就足够感人啦!

  • 巧春晖 1小时前 :


  • 侨亦凝 0小时前 :


  • 悉凝荷 6小时前 :


  • 怀宛秋 7小时前 :


  • 宣弘化 1小时前 :


  • 卢雅素 8小时前 :

    特别感动有一个粉丝说,希望他们日日安眠,因为所创造的这部剧安慰了太多人的心灵。R&R的意难平让咖啡厅之吻变得更意味深长,大约目送那个女孩走向更光辉灿烂的未来。会想起许多事,在香港准备雅思的时候,在睡不着的清晨准备去伦敦某个四大面试的时候,那些觉得自己过不去的坎,如今想起来竟如此微小和茫远,我们从那里走到了这里,不变的是恒久的陪伴与温情,如今也依然信仰和向往着这样恒久的感情。只是,更多的希望自己是Be there for 其他人的那个坚定的存在。

  • 度修能 7小时前 :

    真好啊,各种名场面。The best way I can describe it is when the show is over,at a party or any kind of social gatherings,if one of us bump into each other,that was it,that was the end of the night,you just sat with the person,all night long, you apologized to the people you with,but they must understand you have met somebody special to you, you are gonna

  • 彩漫 4小时前 :

    我就知道!我就知道 Jen 和 David 一定有过超越剧情本身的好感,那种情愫和张力是演不出来的,真的就是真的。本 CP 粉在这次 reunion 里看到当事人摆在台面说这事感到满足。以及现在再看到 Ross 还是会心动呀。Matthew 的老态令人心疼,他给 Jannice 那个演员一个飞吻时好动情。开头最好哭,Jen 无疑是这里面最有巨星气质的那个。

  • 帆旭 6小时前 :

    据说是华纳为了给 HBO Max 造势才计划制作的,采访为主、花絮为辅,幕后主创回忆的选角花絮大多都是12年纪录片的重复,加塞了一些乱七八糟的配角。虽然明知道这样一部特辑只是为了卖情怀,但是能看到六人重聚,真好。当初看到条目最震惊的是:这个特辑居然还有删减版 哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈。有人说,《老友记》道出了每一代人对于生活的最美好憧憬:「最好的朋友就在身边,喜欢的人住在对面。」我开始看《老友记》已经很晚,在大二那年的暑假,可是即便如此,也已经是10年前的事了。那时候我还没能在生活中交到真正的朋友,所以对这样的友情充满了向往,以至于后来交到了好朋友时,总是会忍不住联想起这部剧。六个好朋友之间的日常也成为了我的好心情制造机,每次听见片头曲唱「I'll will be there for you」的时候 就觉得特别的踏实。

  • 寇谷芹 3小时前 :


  • 丘晨旭 3小时前 :


  • 侯孤阳 4小时前 :



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