zhong开头的成语 高清

9.0 推荐

分类: 科幻片 印度 2010

导演: 李菲儿   


  Ten years ago, Ginny (Toni Gonzaga), an Architecture student, and Marco (Piolo Pascual), a History professor, began a one-of-a-kind and unpredictable love story. In the five years that they were together, they brought out the best in each other, which included Marco's unrealized dream of becoming a chef. Together, they worked towards their dream of opening up a restaurant, but when Ginny realized her own pursuits were different from his, she rejected his wedding proposal and left the country for a Masters degree in Architecture. At present, Ginny co-owns a one-stop Architecture and Interior Design firm specializing in Restoration. She receives an email from Marco, which was written and sent after their break-up, meant to be read four years later. It makes her feel even more regretful of leaving the love of her life. When their firm receives an offer to restore an old house into a restaurant, she is ecstatic to learn that Marco will be co-owning the restaurant. She takes this as a sign...


  • 卫家仁 0小时前 :


  • 初鸿 3小时前 :


  • 大馨蓉 8小时前 :


  • 强梓 2小时前 :

    其实男主是一直喜欢女主的吧,一次次向女主示好,只有女主一直以为对方是在玩玩而已没有认真,总是说一些或者做一些伤人的话。感觉男主真的很nice好脾气,要是都在跟对方表达爱意之后还因为一点误会就说出那么难听的话我要是男主我真的就不想跟对方在一起。设定挺带感的,但是没有想象中的那么有感觉。但是也好想现实生活中有这么一个干啥都不顺眼总是能吵起来的家伙,结果发现竟然是sexual attraction呢

  • 帅白翠 6小时前 :


  • 彩雨 4小时前 :


  • 庄傲南 2小时前 :


  • 井嘉澍 8小时前 :

    the way she’s a little bit unnerved sexually when she sees his dick is just weird (and tbh a bit distasteful, no blowjob jokes intended)

  • 光奇思 3小时前 :

    透剧 (新意很多 背着十字架的耶稣 魔鬼驱逐上帝 恶魔在梵蒂冈内部 )

  • 度承平 7小时前 :

    惊喜啊!真的惊喜,很诚意的一部驱魔片,本来以为中规中矩,结尾舒适没想到,但是是情理之中,狡猾的魔鬼~~~ 男主演演的真不错惹。3.5

  • 南门依萱 1小时前 :

    低分是有点disrespect,尤其是Christ拖着十字架那段,对于基督徒来说不可原谅;另外,怎么拍成了丧尸片?驱魔的部分太弱了,比谁的声音大?声音大代表faithful?唯一亮点是结局的思考,God和Satan的战争从未止息,追求世俗或者其他的偶像,不能进入the kingdom of the god.

  • 卫锦翰 7小时前 :

    恶魔与上帝在play cards,设定挺有意思的,值得一看。所以最后那个大主教其实也是balban的人了吧,居然称呼他为prince balban。

  • 卫定钧 6小时前 :

    其实电影剧情向而言我很喜欢 有别于其他 可是所有的情节和驱魔都太无趣了 让人疯狂走神

  • 元晴雪 6小时前 :

    披宗教皮的剧情片,没有这层皮就是个非常非常普通的电影了,也不能说探讨的东西深不深,因为过于陈旧,不过耶稣和驱神那段还是蛮有趣的,但这个神父从开场就完全没有一点神圣代言人的气质,特别俗,虽然设定也不是全圣,但他真是一点气质都没有,最后仿佛一场大型rap battle。讲真这神父毫无意志力,看得也不是很爽…

  • 成翱 5小时前 :

    好喜欢,轻喜剧,高颜值,小清新,性张力也很足。本是竞争对手,天天除了打嘴炮还有心理战,却在日常的斗嘴过程中互生情愫,好像一个游戏又加了爱情的味道。和竞争对手的激烈竞争也可以成就一个更好的自己,to be a better version of ourselves。势均力敌的爱情,有点甜。

  • 少宛儿 5小时前 :


  • 侨彭魄 2小时前 :

    冬日看电影,原著打底外加影片中浪漫的bgm,相当小资情调。小清新中带限制级,吻戏& sex都脸红心跳, Enemies to Lovers💓 ‘So, it turns out love and hate aren’t as similar as I thought . Sure, they both get your blood pumping and make you want to do crazy things to someone else’s body. But when you love someone, and I mean really love someone, even when you fight, you’re still on the same team. ‘

  • 帆璟 8小时前 :


  • 仁霞雰 5小时前 :


  • 希运锋 0小时前 :



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