fresh是哪个国家的品牌 高清

9.0 推荐

分类: 欧美综艺 内地 1999

导演: 陈松伶   


  Alex Riley explores the world of the technology superbrands - how they get us to buy their stuff, trust them and even idolise them. He meets the supergeeks who are inventing the future and finds out how some of the most powerful companies in the world really make their billions.
  E1 technology
  Alex takes a closer look at some of the most powerful technology brands in the world - including Apple, Microsoft, Sony, Nokia, Facebook, and Google - how have they become so central to our lives and how do they plan to stay ahead of the game? He finds out why Microsoft now have to spend billions of dollars every year on development to score a hit product and why games console companies are willing to lose billions to get their product in your living room. He discovers how technology format wars are being determined with the help of the porn industry and how Apple has literally become a new religion.
  E2 fashion
  Fashion novice Alex Riley dives into the world of clothing superbrands to find out how these billion dollar global organisations have invaded our wardrobes and our minds. When he discovers that designer handbags are so desirable that some women will pay 100 pounds a month just to rent one, he's determined to have their heads examined to find out why.
  E3 food
  Alex Riley is on the trail of the global food and drink giants. What's so special about them? How have they penetrated our brains so we recognise them like members of our own families? Alex travels the globe to find where they've come from and how they make us keep on buying them.


  • 和春兰 4小时前 :


  • 御子悦 8小时前 :


  • 卫昉宽 9小时前 :


  • 揭听荷 6小时前 :


  • 员幻珊 6小时前 :

    求求导演别再拍了 难看哭了 一份不能再多了 为什么没有负分

  • 彬敏 3小时前 :


  • 壤驷欣嘉 5小时前 :


  • 仵绮波 9小时前 :


  • 保正志 1小时前 :

    太慢热。我都准备好了去群里艾特春和无橙,她俩都说好看这忽悠谁呢!?……好吧后半部分的确挺可爱(。男主的爷爷为了奶奶永远留在了小城,大叔说“也许我也想做个消防员呢?”被骗气疯了之后与自己和解,最终承认 爱上了没办法我认栽 的笑甜炸了。

  • 初楠 2小时前 :

    有点抓马 插曲total eclipse of the heart好听

  • 介凝丹 3小时前 :


  • 利承泽 5小时前 :


  • 俞鸿德 8小时前 :

    希望每一種愛都能勇敢,希望每一個人都能過自己真實的生活 車站的bgm真的好好哭😭

  • 旅妙之 3小时前 :


  • 军辰沛 4小时前 :


  • 卫浩涛 0小时前 :

    我服了 看的我难受 几度想起身离开 你要是只讲感情线也好 偏偏乱七八糟 像一个魔幻片 我也看了不少王朔的书 并没有感觉像啊!

  • 娄晶滢 0小时前 :


  • 巴宏伟 8小时前 :

    #第78届威尼斯电影节# 在这片私人化的荒漠里有着太多的秘密和故事,但也正因这片荒漠的寂静与脱俗,能够让两个在错位关系中相识的人重新认识彼此。有着同样煎熬的过去,又难以看清未来的方向,这次见面意外地让两人从冲突中产生共情,从迷失中找寻希望。但整个电影在剧情布局上还是有些不足,开始30分钟才出片名进正题,最后30分钟才开始剧情发力,中间的部分则有着拖沓。不过还是很喜欢这个结尾,“and I need you know tonight, I need you more than ever…”

  • 振鹤 7小时前 :


  • 左丘星驰 9小时前 :



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